
Incubus and succubus
Incubus and succubus

incubus and succubus

Their goal is to deposit demonic transferences into you to cause you to masturbate (sex with demons not just yourself), be more lustful and commit more fornication, be more perverse and to cause you to sin before God and cause the judgment of God upon your life AND your household. INCUBUS and SUCCUBUS are spirits or demons that lie on sleeping human beings – women, men and children – in order to have sexual intercourse. INCUBUS AND SUCCUBUS – INCUBI AND SUCCUBI – DEMONS THAT HAVE INTERCOURSE WITH YOU

incubus and succubus

When renounced in your generations (generational curses), it should close the doors and break curses.What is a Spirit Spouse, Incubus, Succubus or Sleep Paralysis? If you have or your generations have opened the door and they have not repented for their sins, then it has legal right to bring torment. That means no doors open, then it has no legal right to you. Also, make sure you are not mad at God for this happening. Closes the door on an accusation from the enemy on you. If you have been a victim of sexual abuse, forgive the people who violated you, forgive yourself for participating even if you are innocent. Tell these spirits they have no legal right since you have repented for them that have come in through you or through your generations. Cast out the unclean spirits, victimization, defilement, spirits of shame and guilt. Repent and renounce your sins (either personal or generational) on both sides of your family back 4 generations back. Once you know what the open door is in your life to bring in sexual spirits or we could say unclean spirits that are causing this.

#Incubus and succubus full

If you have watched movies that are trashy – full of sex, then that can open the door to these vicious evil spirits which can make you feel unclean.

  • Pornography can open the door either in magazines or internet.
  • Ask the Lord to show you the open door – many times the door is open to masturbation when the house is out-of-order. What opens the doors to these spirits:Įven with small children who masturbate, there most often is sexual sin or victimization somewhere in the generations, etc. Therefore, by inducing fear these lust demons cause you to be that much more likely to commit sexually perverse acts. Sexual activity, especially sexual fantasy and masturbation, brings about a temporary sense of false comfort. One reason for this is that fear induces a desire to seek out comfort. The purpose of them causing nightmares is to impregnate you with fear, therefore perverting your faith. Some of these demons, come on these helpless people by curses from their ancestors, and some by witchcraft attack, if there is an open door. Many consider suicide and a good number carry it out. A person experiencing a demonic attack usually feels shame, and they feel everyone knows what they do. Some people have told us that they get to the point they are afraid to go to sleep at night. These demons cruelly torment their victims to satisfy their filthy cravings. Every kind of abnormal and deviant sexual experience can be generated by these evil spirits which are unclean spirits. Most attacks are at night and the person is awakened by fondling hands, caressing hot lips and tongue, and other forms of lust-inducing stimulation. These are vicious sexual spirits that molest and torment susceptible individuals. In the book of Genesis 6:1-2, it reads, And it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them (2) That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took them wives of all which they chose. The reasons are the same for the Incubi attacks listed above. Do you get attacked by succubus spirit, the male demon name, if a man? Define Incubus Spirit Are you Attacked by Incubus and Succubus Spirits?ĭo you feel the incubus spirit attacking you at night? Incubus spirit is the female demon name.

    Incubus and succubus